Become A Member

Welcome to our church! We're glad you're here. There are two ways to become a member at Second Slavic Baptist Church.

1. Baptism

Baptismal preparation classes are held each year from February through May. These are 13 lessons aimed to teach key truths of God's Word for the life and godliness of every believer
(2 Pet. 1:3)
To join the class, you must apply to be baptized and be interviewed by the ministers.
At the end of the training there will be a test on the material covered and an interview for a final decision on admission to baptism. 

2. Transferring from another church

After the application is submitted, we will contact the ministers of the church from which the brother and/or sister is transferring to us to confirm good standing.
Then appointments are made for introductions, familiarization with the bylaws of our church, and a summary of our doctrine.
After that, brothers and sisters who have applied for membership in our church shall be presented to the general assembly for a decision on their admission to membership in the local church.

To see our church Bylaws, please the link below.